Welcome and great to see you amazing people! Today in class we will spend time creating Population Pyramids and then, time permitting, we will begin working on making Infographics about the countries that we analyzed through our population pyramids. This should be an interesting romp through statistical analysis! Let's get down to business! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
- Analyze demographic data to create Population Pyramids using individually assigned national data
- Use demographic data to create Population Infographics using individually assigned national data
- Population Pyramids
- What is a population pyramid?
- How do you read a population pyramid?
- Interpreting a population pyramid
- Building a population pyramid
- You will be assigned a region, by table group, to pick a country from.
- Each student will have a different country to work with.
Central/South Asia/Oceania
North/West Africa
Eastern/Middle Southern Africa
Caribbean/Central/South America
Western Asia
Northern/Western Europe
Southern/Eastern Europe
- Access the instructional video and the website with the data
- Follow the instructions and build a pyramid for your assigned country
- Population Pyramid Data Site used in the tutorial video
- *Tip* when using copy>paste from the Data Site into Google Sheets... Edit > Paste special > paste values only
- quick key command + shift + v
- When you have completed your population pyramid, download it as a PDF file. (you will need it that way for later)
- Attach it to the Google Classroom assignment and turn it in.
- Population Infographic (Time permitting)
- What is an Infographic?
- Current Event #5 due Sunday night by 11:59PM (Europe)
- Europe Map Test February 26
That's all for the day folks! I hope that everyone enjoyed our creative use of statistics this week! If we need to we will finish these activities next week! Take care and have a great weekend!