Friday, December 21, 2018

Dec. 19-21 Fall Final Exams

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It has been a wonderful yet busy Fall Semester.  Over the next few days, you will have the opportunity to show all that you have learned through your final exams.  Here is what to expect for this class:
  • Demonstrate understanding and knowledge gains of concepts presented throughout  the Fall Semester
  1. The schedule for Final exams is as follows:

Wed. Dec. 19
Per 1
7:55 -9:55 AM

9:55-10:05 AM

Per 2
10:11 -12:11PM
Thr. Dec. 20
Per 3
7:55 -9:55 AM

9:55-10:05 AM

Per 4
10:11 -12:11PM
Fri. Dec. 21
Per 5
7:55 -9:55 AM

9:55-10:05 AM

Per 6
10:11 -12:11PM
  1. Fall Final Comprehensive Exam.
    • 100 multiple choice questions
    • Use a pencil to bubble in the "best" choice to respond to the question/prompt.
  1. None

Monday, December 17, 2018

Dec. 17 -Review for Finals

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome back from the weekend! Today in class we will be reviewing for the Final Exam! Woohoo! This is our final week together for the semester! I hope that you have enjoyed it and learned a great deal so far. I know this week can be stressful so do your best to prioritize what you study and relax when you get the opportunity. Let's do this! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
  • Review notes from the semester in preparation for the final exam
  1. Review for Finals, using the Fall Semester Study Guide 
  2. Work on creating your 1(one) HANDWRITTENsingle-sided (writing on one side only) piece of binder paper (the lined paper with three holes and typically pre-printed with blue text lines and a red margin line) for notes to use on the final exam.  
  3. Anything other than what is stated here will not be allowed to be used with the exam.
  1. Review for Finals

That's all for the day folks! I hope that you feel good about the Final this week. I believe in you! I know that if you study hard and take care of yourselves you will have nothing to worry about it. Take care! Have a wonderful week!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Dec. 14 -Share Ideal Society & Review for Finals

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome back! Today in class we will be working on applying our understanding of government and economic systems, sharing our thoughts and reviewing for the final exam. Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Examine governmental and economic concepts through analyzing and discussing different systems
  1. History Journal:
    1. Turn in History Journal
  2. Google Classroom -Ideal Society MIni Project
    1. Presentation for Share-out
      1. Your group will share out your work on your Ideal Society to the class.
        1. You may wish to use Google Slides for this to help guide your presentation.
        2. Each group member must have an equal part in sharing out content information on your society.
      2. Take notes on presentations
        1. Country/Nation/Society name
        2. Type of government
        3. Type of economy
        4. 2 laws supporting society
      3. Turn in notepaper when presentations are complete
  3. Review for Finals
    1. Work with a table partner
    2. Each of you will individually create !) short answer or fill in the blank questions for your partner to answer. 
    3. When you are both finished, you should take the other person’s “quiz” 
      1. Make sure to use a different color pen
    4. When you are both done, review the answers together. 
      1. When finished turn them into the basket in the front of the room.
  1. Review for Final Exam
    1. A handout of the Final Study Guide was given in class.
    2. You may use 1(one) HANDWRITTEN, single-sided (writing on one side only) piece of 8 1/2 x 11 binder paper (the lined paper with three holes and typically pre-printed with blue text lines and a red margin line) for notes to use on the final exam.  Anything other than what is stated here will not be allowed.
That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen. Hope that you have a great week! Take care!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Dec. 12 -Finish Ideal Society

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome back! Today in class we will be working on applying our understanding of government and economic systems. Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Examine governmental and economic concepts through analyzing and discussing different systems
  1. History Journal:
    1. Prepare Journal to turn in on Friday.
    2. Review Blog and Daily PPTs for History Today and Close activities to be sure you have completed them all.
    3. You are responsible for completing the History Journal, even if you were absent.
  2. Google Classroom -Ideal Society MIni Project
    1. Working with your table group, you will spend the week creating a functioning government and economy from scratch. 
    2. The document is shared through Classroom. 
      1. One person in the group will need to make a copy of activity, title it with the class period and table group number, and share it with the other members of the group.
      2. Each group member will need to type their name and a color designation they will use for their contributions to the project.
    3. Government
      1. Write a rough outline of how your government would work (2-3 Paragraphs)
        1. The form of government(s) used
        2. Who holds the power and how (people, king, dictator, etc.)
        3. Examples of how the government functions (laws, social welfare benefits, infrastructure)
      2. Identify the 10 most important laws for your society
        1. How do these laws reflect your government type?
    4. The Economy
      1. Write a rough outline of how your economic system would work (1-2 paragraphs). 
      2. How are goods (food, water, gas, electronics, medicine, etc…) controlled and traded among the people and the government?
    5. Graphic Poster
      1. Your poster may be propaganda for your society or just a patriotic representation of the country you are proud to call your own! Your poster must include:
        1. Name of your country/Nation/Society
        2. Symbolic representation of both your government and economic system
        3. Must be colored and use space effectively to display your country
          1. Colored pencils and markers are available in class for you to use.  
            1. Neatness counts!
            2. Apply elements of design we have used all year
        4. Must include a flag (What do the colors/images on your flag represent?)
    6. Presentation for Share-out
      1. Your group will share out your work on your Ideal Society to the class.
        1. You may wish to use Google Slides for this to help guide your presentation.
        2. Each group member must have an equal part in sharing out content information on your society.
      2. Take notes on presentations
        1. Country/Nation/Society name
        2. Type of government
        3. Type of economy
        4. 2 laws supporting society

  1. Review for Final Exam
    1. A handout of the Final Study Guide was given in class.
That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen. Hope that you have a great week! Take care!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Dec 10 -Ideal Society Mini Project

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome back and Happy Monday! Today in class we will be working on applying our understanding of government and economic systems. Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
  • Examine governmental and economic concepts through analyzing and discussing different systems
  1. History Today
    1. Prompt: Tell me!
      1. Identify and quickly describe (from memory) the 4 types of economic systems from class on Friday.
  2. Google Classroom -Ideal Society MIni Project
    1. Working with your table group, you will spend the week creating a functioning government and economy from scratch. 
    2. The document is shared through Classroom. 
      1. One person in the group will need to make a copy of activity, title it with the class period and table group number, and share it with the other members of the group.
      2. Each group member will need to type their neme and a color designation they will use for their contributions to the project.
    3. Government
      1. Write a rough outline of how your government would work (2-3 Paragraphs)
        1. The form of government(s) used
        2. Who holds the power and how (people, king, dictator, etc.)
        3. Examples of how the government functions (laws, social welfare benefits, infrastructure)
      2. Identify the 10 most important laws for your society
        1. How do these laws reflect your government type?
    4. The Economy
      1. Write a rough outline of how your economic system would work (1-2 paragraphs). 
      2. How are goods (food, water, gas, electronics, medicine, etc…) controlled and traded among the people and the government?
    5. Graphic Poster
      1. Your poster may be propaganda for your society or just a patriotic representation of the country you are proud to call your own! Your poster must include:
        1. Symbolic representation of both your government and economic system
        2. Must be colored and use space effectively to display your country
          1. Colored pencils and markers are available in class for you to use.  (Neatness counts!)
        3. Must include a flag (What do the colors/images on your flag represent?)
  1. Review for Final Exam
    1. A handout of the Final Study Guide was given in class.
That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen. Hope that you have a great week! Take care!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Dec. 7 -Gov & Econ

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Great to see you all again! Today in class we will be working on our discussion on the general forms of government and economic systems.  This will provide a foundation for understanding how nations and states around the world function both politically and in the ever confusing realm of money.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Examine governmental and economic concepts through analyzing and discussing different systems
  • Better understand modern political thought through engagement in online surveys and analyzing peer data regarding their political stance
  1. History Today
    1. Prompt: Tell me
    2. Identify and quickly describe (from memory) as many of the 9 types of government from class on Wednesday.
  2. Discussion of Government and Economic Systems
    1. What is a government?
      1. Dictatorship
      2. Fascism
      3. Monarchy
      4. Theocracy
      5. Democracy
      6. Republic
      7. Oligarchy
      8. Confederation
      9. Federalism
    2. What is economics?
      1. Factors of production
    3. Why economic systems?
      1. Traditional economy
      2. Market economy (capitalism)
      3. Command economy
      4. Mixed economy (socialism)
  3. Survey/Polls: Political themes, parties, and ideology
    1. Take a survey on
    2. After you have answered ALL the questions
      1. Complete the Ideology Survey and submit your response!
      2. When complete click "Show My Results"
        1. Then select "Share with Link" and paste the link into a google Daoc in your SJUSD drive account.  
        2. Senior year, you may want to retake the survey to see how your political ideologies change as you grow as a person.
      3. Note: This survey is completely anonymous
  4. Close
    1. Prompt: Learning Reflection
    2. What is something new you have learned about the research process? About governments? Economics? How will you use this new information? How will it help you succeed in high school and beyond?
  1. None
That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen. Hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Take care!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Dec. 5 -Research Workshop Day/Task 3 into Gov/Econ

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Great to see you all again! Today in class we will be working on our Research Workshop Project in Google Classroom. The focus will be on Completing Task 3 which is all about Plagiarism and proper citations.  The goal for class today is to complete the workshop. Also, we will be starting our quick discussion on the general forms of government and economic systems.  This will provide a foundation for understanding how nations and states around the world function both politically and in the ever confusing realm of money.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Complete a multifaceted project in which you identify source types, search for information, identify the plagiarized material, and practice proper citation. 
  • Examine governmental and economic concepts through analyzing and discussing different systems
  1. History Today
  2. Prompt
  3. Google Classroom: Research Workshop Project 
    1. Through this Research Workshop, we will examine some best practices of research. Additionally, we will use an essay prompt related to culture as a guide for each of the tasks. Most important: READ THE DIRECTIONS! 
      1. Task 1 -Searching -COMPLETED
        1. Using a search engine
      2. Task 2 -Sources -COMPLETED
        1. Types of sources
        2. Validity of sources
      3. Task 3 -Plagiarism and Citation -TODAY (approx 40 min)
        1. Practice quoting
        2. Works cited
        3. Plagiarism identification
  4. Discussion of Government and Economic Systems
    1. What is a government?
      1. Dictatorship
      2. Fascism
      3. Monarchy
      4. Theocracy
      5. Democracy
      6. Republic
      7. Oligarchy
      8. Confederation
      9. Federalism
    2. What is economics?
      1. Factors of production
    3. Why economic systems?
      1. Traditional economy
      2. Market economy (capitalism)
      3. Command economy
      4. Mixed economy (socialism)
  5. Close
    1. Prompt: Learning Reflection
    2. What is something new you have learned about the research process? About governments? Economics? How will you use this new information? How will it help you succeed in high school and beyond?
  1. Complete the Research Workshop and upload/Turn in to Google Classroom

That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen. Hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Take care!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Dec. 3 -Research Workshop Day/Task 2

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Great to see you all again! Today in class we will be working on our Research Workshop Project in Google Classroom. The focus will be on Completing Task 2 which is all about primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.  B
elow you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Complete a multifaceted project in which you identify source types, search for information, identify the plagiarized material, and practice proper citation.

  1. Google Classroom: Research Workshop Project 
    1. Through this Research Workshop, we will examine some best practices of research. Additionally, we will use an essay prompt related to culture as a guide for each of the tasks. Most important: READ THE DIRECTIONS! 
      1. Task 1 -Searching -COMPLETED
        1. Using a search engine
      2. Task 2 -Sources -TODAY
        1. Types of sources
        2. Validity of sources
      3. Task 3 -Plagiarism and Citation (We will be working on this task Wednesday)
        1. Practice quoting
        2. Works cited
        3. Plagiarism identification

Complete Task 2 if needed

That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen. Hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Take care!