Friday, December 21, 2018

Dec. 19-21 Fall Final Exams

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It has been a wonderful yet busy Fall Semester.  Over the next few days, you will have the opportunity to show all that you have learned through your final exams.  Here is what to expect for this class:
  • Demonstrate understanding and knowledge gains of concepts presented throughout  the Fall Semester
  1. The schedule for Final exams is as follows:

Wed. Dec. 19
Per 1
7:55 -9:55 AM

9:55-10:05 AM

Per 2
10:11 -12:11PM
Thr. Dec. 20
Per 3
7:55 -9:55 AM

9:55-10:05 AM

Per 4
10:11 -12:11PM
Fri. Dec. 21
Per 5
7:55 -9:55 AM

9:55-10:05 AM

Per 6
10:11 -12:11PM
  1. Fall Final Comprehensive Exam.
    • 100 multiple choice questions
    • Use a pencil to bubble in the "best" choice to respond to the question/prompt.
  1. None