Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Jan 30 -Intro Population Unit

Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome and great to see all of you! Today in class we will be starting our look at the World's Population! This should be a fun place to start our discussion and get to look at how and why our global population has reached the levels that it is at today and where it is going from here. I hope that everyone finds this as interesting as I do! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
  • Be able to define basic population vocabulary words and determine the trajectory of exponential growth over the past 2000 years.
  • Discuss and read about the issues of population increase and potential ways to solve the crisis
  1. History Today
    1. Prompt: Then & Now 
    2. When you were in 8th grade, what were some of your biggest concerns about being at Leland?
    3. What are 3 positive things you have experienced now at Leland you would want to share with the 8th graders preparing to come to Leland?
  2. Intro: Population Unit
    1. 7 Billion and Counting Video (See below)

      1. Google Classroom Activity -Read and Annotate: "The People Connection"
        1. Please read and annotate each section.
        2. Use the highlight tool to identify important info
        3. Use the right-hand column to: 
          1. Define all bold vocab (Most vocabulary is defined in context or by context clues)
          2. Make bullet points for questions, comments, and short summary statements about the text. 
        4. Be prepared to share out the main ideas from the text!
    HTC #3
    Prompt: Take 3
    What are 3 things you can share about the world population with a friend or family member you learned from today's lesson?

    1. Submit Reading and Annotation to Google Classroom TONIGHT
    2. Current Event #4 due Sunday @11:59PM
      1. Must be from Europe
    3. Europe Map Test on February 26!

    That's all for the day folks! I hope that you all enjoyed our lesson and feel like you learned something! Take care and have a wonderful evening!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Jan 28 -Mapping Monday (NA Map test)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class we have our first Map Test!  These are fairly significant so I hope that you have spent the time to study and prepare, especially for this first one!  I hope that your maps look good too!  Let's get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Demonstrate geographic knowledge on a North America Map Test
  1. Collect North America Maps
  2. North America Map Test
  3. Review Current Event MyMaps activity
    1. Tracking of Current Events via MyMap
      1. You will need to create a new map by clicking on the red button in the top left corner. 
      2. Title the map P4_Lui A_Current Event Map 
      3. Use the search bar to find the city location of your Current Event #1 and drop a pin on that location by selecting “add to my map”. 
      4. Title your pin Current Event #1 (location), including the location name in the parenthesis. 
      5. Use the pencil tool to edit your pin. 
      6. In the dialogue box, write the title of your Current Event #1 news article and then include the URL for the news article you sourced for your Current Event. 
      7. TECH TIP: to enter a line space you need to press Shift + Return within the dialogue box. If you only press Return, it will just save the map. 
      8. Last, use the camera tool to enter in a picture relating to the city of where your location takes place, or a picture relating to your news article. 
      9. Save the pin. 
      10. You will repeat this with Current Event #2 after you have completed the worksheet. 
      11. All map pins will be in the same “untitled” layer
  1. Current Event #4 due Sunday @ 11:59 PM
    1. Must be from Europe
    2. Catch up on your Current Events MyMaps
      1. Make any corrections needed to match the assignment instructions
  2. Check out Mapping resources for Europe
    1. Europe Map Test on February 26!

    That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you feel good about your first map test.  Make sure you get your Current Event done tonight as well!  Take care and have a great evening!

    Friday, January 25, 2019

    Jan 25 -Road Trip Presentations

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Welcome and great to see you all again! Today in class we will be presenting our California's Gold Ultimate Road Trip! I can't wait to hear about all the fabulous places that you decide to check out. Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
    • Present all of your research and hard work to show a mastery of California’s diverse geographic regions
    1. There is no History Today Warmup
    2. Google Classroom -California's Gold Road Trip Presentations
      1. Road Trip presentations prep time
        1. Your table group will need to print out a copy of your road trip and be prepared to discuss it with class. (Hint:: not all group members need to print it out, but since EACH of you will be speaking, its a good idea you all have a copy.)
        2. For each location of your road trip, you should be prepared to speak about the following:
          1. How many miles is the location, from the previous location?
          2. How does the location represent the characteristics of the region?
          3. Why did you choose this location over other possibilities?
        3. Each group member should be prepared to share out about at least one location on your road trip
    3. Expectations for Road Trip presentations
      1. Gallery Walk style presentations
        1. Even groups present
        2. Odd groups present
      2. Presenting groups:
        1. Everyone must contribute to the presentation
        2. 4 minutes to present
        3. Name/describe ALL locations from Road Trip
        4. Explain your budget and mileage needs
      3. Observing Groups: 
        1. 4 minutes to gather data
        2. Map all eight locations from the presentation on your handout
        3. It is up to YOU to figure out which region all of the locations reside in
        4. After all presentations have been heard, your group must select a favorite road trip
    1. Current Event #3 due uploaded to Classroom by Sunday January 27 @ 11:59 PM
    2. North America Map Test January 28
    3. North America political and physical maps due Monday 1/28

    That's all for the day folks! Take care and have a great evening!

    Wednesday, January 23, 2019

    Jan 23 -California's Gold Road Trip

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Welcome and great to see you all again!  Today in class we will be starting our California's Gold Ultimate Road Trip!  I can't wait to see the ideas and places that you decide to check out.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


    • Research and map the directions to points of interest in California with the use of Google Maps
    1. History Today
      1. Prompt: California's Golden Treasures
      2. What is your favorite place on your California’s Gold adventure? Why did you pick it? Have you been there before? Do you think you can convince someone to take you this summer?
    2. Google Classroom -California's Gold Road Trip
      1. Follow the direction on the Road Trip Document
        1. Begin 'Greatest Road Trip of All Time' (Work on this will happen Friday)
        2. You will create the ultimate 800 - 1,500 miles summer road trip with your (new) table group. (We are doing something special with this grouping)
          1. Be sure to swap contact info with group members in case you need to contact each other about the project outside of class.
        3. Choose four choice locations and four historical locations to create your trip.  That is a total of 8 locations.
        4. Your table group will need to print out a copy of your road trip and be prepared to discuss it with class on Friday. (Hint:: not all group members need to print it out, but since EACH of you will be speaking, its a good idea you all have a copy.)
        5. For each location of your road trip, you should be prepared to speak about the following:
          1. How many miles is the location, from the previous location?
          2. How does the location represent the characteristics of the region?
          3. Why did you choose this location over other possibilities?
        6. Each group member should be prepared to share out about at least one location on your road trip
        7. Tool: Road Trip Planner and Google Maps
    1. Current Event #3 due uploaded to Classroom by Sunda,y January 27 @ 11:59 PM
    2. North America Map Test January 28
      1. North America political and physical maps due
    That's all for the day folks! Take care and have a great evening!

    Friday, January 18, 2019

    Jan 18 -California's Gold 2

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  I hope that you are ready to go and excited about the fact that we have a three day weekend ahead of us!  I know I am : )  Today in class we will continue to work on our California's Gold Project, as well as beginning to work on our California Road Trip!  This road trip is a new activity that I am pioneering this year so I am excited to see what you all come up with!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


    1. Research and map the directions to points of interest in California with the use of Google Maps
    1. History Today
      1. Prompt: California's Gold
      2. What has been the most difficult aspect of this project so far? What steps do you take to determine which region your landmark/choice is in?
    2. Google Classroom -California's Gold -COMPLETE
      1. Project Work Day
        1. Find 8 places to visit (two for each region we researched). One place is your choice, the other place will come from the list of California Historical Landmarks (See links below)
        2. Complete the fields of the table for each place you "discover" around California.
          1. You will use Google Maps for your task.
          2. Select a place/town/city within each region (pick one with a place that has some type of tourist attraction or famous place)
          3. Using Google maps find the distance and time to that city from Leland H.S. (use the “directions” tab on google maps to get this info)
          4. Take a screen capture of the google maps driving instructions
        3. Online article with List of 50 California Historical Landmarks
        4. Also, you can search California Historical Landmarks by county.
    3. Work on USA Map - Maps due January 28!
    1. Turn in California's Gold to Classroom by 11:59PM tonight
    2. Current Event #2 due January 20
    3. Current Event #3 due January 27
    4. North America Map Test January 28
    That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you have enjoyed learning a little bit more about California!  Take care and have an excellent three day weekend!

    Wednesday, January 16, 2019

    Jan 16 -California's Gold

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Welcome and great to see you all again!  Today in class we will be talking about and starting our California's Gold Project!  This project is fun and will have us examining a little bit about the history and fun places that can be found around our state.  I can't wait to see the ideas and places that you decide to check out.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


    • Research and map the directions to points of interest in California with the use of Google Maps
    1. History Today
      1. Prompt: California Places
      2. Where are some of the most interesting, fun, exciting, places you have been to in California? Explain.
    2. California's Gold- Quicksilver Episode
      1. A tour of a local Historical landmark (Get to know your backyard!)
      2. We will only be watching a portion of this video.  You may choose to watch the remainder on your own.
    3. Google Classroom -California's Gold
      1. Introduce Project & begin work
        1. Find 8 places to visit (two for each region we researched). One place is your choice, the other place will come from the list of California Historical Landmarks (See links below)
        2. Complete the fields of the table for each place you "discover" around California.
          1. You will use Google Maps for your task.
          2. Select a place/town/city within each region (pick one with a place that has some type of tourist attraction or famous place)
          3. Using Google maps find the distance and time to that city from Leland H.S. (use the “directions” tab on google maps to get this info)
          4. Take a screen capture of the google maps driving instructions
        3. Online article with List of 50 California Historical Landmarks
        4. Also, you can search California Historical Landmarks by county.
      2. Begin 'Greatest Road Trip of All Time' (Work on this will happen Friday)
        1. You will create the ultimate 800 - 1,500 miles summer road trip with your table group. 
        2. Choose three choice locations and three historical locations to create your trip. 
        3. Your table group will need to print out a copy of your road trip and be prepared to discuss it with class.
        4. Tool: Road Trip Planner
    1. Current Event #2 due January 20
    2. Current Event #3 due January 28
    3. North America Map Test January 28
    That's all for the day folks!  I can't wait to see you all again and hope that you had fun starting this project today!  Take care and have a great evening!

    Monday, January 14, 2019

    Jan 14 -Mapping Monday 1

    Ladies and gentlemen,
    Welcome! I am so happy to start another week with you all! Today is our first Mapping Monday! On these days you will have class time dedicated to working on either your Current Event that is due tonight OR your Map Packets that are due the day of the Map Test (in this case Monday, January 28). These days are few and far between so make sure to use the time wisely! Let's get down to business! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
    • Use Google Maps to identify locations relating to current events
    • Label and identify political and physical features of the United States and North America.
    1. History Today
      1. Prompt: California
      2. Based on what you know about the modern map of California, what differences do you observe from this old map of California? 
    1. Current Event Mapping Directions
    2. Mapping
      1. Mapping Directions
      2. North America Map Test on Monday, January 28!
    1. Current Event #2 due Sunday (North America)
    2. North America Map Test January 28
    That's all for the day! I hope that you were able to use your time well. Take care and have a fabulous evening!

    Friday, January 11, 2019

    Jan 11 -Intro California Geography

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Welcome and great to see all you wonderful people! Today in class we will be starting to look at and work on California Geography. This is a relatively short unit that we will use to expand and look at geography and how we examine the great state we live in. Don't forget to continue working on your Current Events and Maps! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    • Describe the different regions of California through reading and annotation
    • Identify and label the various regions on a map and indicate their varying attributes
    • Research and map the directions to points of interest in California with the use of Google Maps
    1. History Today
      1. Prompt: California 
      2. What do you think about when you think of California? (places, people, activities, environment, etc.)
    2. Intro California Unit
    3. CA Fun Facts
    4. CA Regions
      • Focus on:
        1. The Coast Ranges
        2. The inland Mountain
        3. the Central Valley
        4. The Basin and Range
    5. Google Classroom: California Regions Activity
      1. California Regions Reading
      2. California Regions Map
    6. Close
      1. Prompt: Information Learned
      2. What did you learn about California Regions?
    1. Finish and submit California Regions Reading to Google Classroom if unable to do so during class.
    2. Current Event #1 due Monday (North America)
    3. North America practice map due at the start of the period on Monday 1/28
    4. North America Map Test January 28
    That's all for the day folks! I hope that everyone had a great day and enjoyed learning about our state! Take care and have a wonderful rest of your day!

    Wednesday, January 9, 2019

    Jan 9 -Mapping & Curent Events Overview

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people! I am so happy to be able to work with you all again as we begin a whole new semester together! There are a few new things that we will be doing this semester so let's get down to business! Today in class we will preview what to expect the second semester and then we will go over directions for how to complete Maps and Current Events (which will be done regularly this semester) and finish up with a little time to clean up our Google Drives from last semester. Good times! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    • Review expectations for mapping and current events
    • Continue to practice best organizational strategies for digital documentsAgenda:
    1. Welcome back/History Today
      1. Prompt: Goal Check-In
      2. What were your goals at the beginning of the year? How is your progress? Do you want to add or change anything?
    2. Discuss: Mapping
      1. Mapping Resources tab on class Blog
        1. folders for each continental region
        2. word banks and practice maps to print
        3. Rubrics
      2. Labeled and colored maps are due at the start of the class period the day of the map test.
      3. Mapping Directions
      4. North America Map Test on Monday, January 28!
    3. Discuss Current Event
      1. Current Event Worksheet Template
        1. Protagonist -an advocate or champion of a particular cause or idea (supporter, proponent, backer)
        2. Antagonist -actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary (rival, competitor, enemy, opposition)
      2. Current Event #1 Weblink
      3. Rubric
      4. New Current Event due before class EVERY Monday 
        1. Due Sunday @11:59 PM uploaded to Classroom
        2. Be prepared to share out the details of your current event (what & why) 
        3. Students will be randomly called upon to orally present on the current event.  Students should be prepared to share at least 2 current events to the class during the semester.
      5. Current Event Mapping
        1. Directions for Mapping Current Event
        3. This is a cumulative assignment.  Each week you will add a location pin, image, and link corresponding to the Current Event Article you completed. 
        4. This will be turned in later in the semester, but periodic "progress checks" will be made.
    4. Winter Cleaning
      1. Google Drive File Organization
    5. Close
      1. Prompt: Current Events
      2. What do you look for when you are searching for articles for current events? What has worked well for you? What challenges do you think you might face future current events?
    1. Complete & Upload Current Events #1
    2. North America Map Test January 28
    That's all for the day folks! I hope that everyone had a fun and relaxing break and is ready to go for a whole new semester together! I am so happy to be with you all again! Take care and have a fabulous evening.