Friday, February 15, 2019

Feb 15 -Population Infographic Wrap-up & World in Balance

Welcome and great to see you! Today in class we will be finishing up our Population Infographics and, time permitting, watching a video on the Population Paradox. Should be fun, informative, and a nice relaxing way to get us into the break. Let's get down to business! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
  • Create Population Infographics using individually assigned national data
  • View and discuss the issue of overpopulation and its impact on the planet
  1. History Today
    1. Prompt: Work in progress...
    2. Open your infographic on the Chromebook
    3. Swap Chromebooks with 2 peers, each from a different region (table group)
    4. Each peer will review your Infographic (work in progress) and address the following: (Write down their responses in your HJ.)
      1. What do you like about the infographic? (consider elements of design)
      2. What does the creator need to improve upon? What, if any, statistics are missing?
      3. What were the lasting positive impressions about the overall infographic?
  2. Work on finalizing/polishing your Population Infographic
    1. Upload your infographic to Google Classroom by the end of the class period
  3. World in the Balance - The Population Paradox (time permitting...)
    1. While viewing, consider the responses to these questions:
      1. What were the 3 biggest takeaways from this video?
      2. What stood out to you the most?
      3. What could/should be done?

  1. Enjoy your Break!
  2. Population Infographic Due Friday to Google Classroom
  3. Current Event #6 Due Sunday @11:59PM (Europe)
  4. Europe Map Test February 25
That's all for the day folks! I hope that everyone is doing well and ready for a nice week off. Take care and enjoy your break!