Friday, February 1, 2019

Feb 1 -Digital Citizenship

Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome and great to see all of you! Today in class we will be voting for our favorite Ultimate California Road Trip to the class! After that, we have some mandatory Digital Literacy training that is both quaint and cheesy. Should be lots of fun! Let's get down to business! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Present our Ultimate California Road Trip
  • Discuss the district mandated Digital Citizenship Curriculum
  1. UCRT Presentations
    1. Review your notes from the presentations on the Ultimate CA road trip.
    2. On a 1/2 sheet of paper, rank up to 3 presentations you observed.
      1. Criteria to meet ranking:
        1. trip visited each region 2 times
        2. locations visited were diverse and interesting
    3. Record the Group # that presented, 3 locations they visited, and total miles traveled.
  2. Discuss Digital Citizenship
    1. Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Quiz
      1. Take Test (no worries here)
      2. Submit screenshot upon completion to Google Classroom for participation credit
  1. Current Event #4 due Sunday Night
    1. Current event must be about/impact EUROPE
    2. Must be from Europe
  2. Update your MyMaps to include CE #4.  
    1. Rember that each current event gets added to the SAME MAP, in the same layer.  Refer to the instructions attached to the assignment in Classroom.
That's all for the day folks! I hope that everyone has enjoyed our training and presentations! Take care and have a wonderful weekend!