Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 8 -Religion Project Presentations

Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome and great to see all you amazing people!  Today in class we will be presenting our Religion Projects.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day


  • Create a PPT style presentation in groups to describe a world religion to peers, field questions, and communicate complex ideas.


  1. Religion Project Presentations
    1. Format the slides in a pleasing way 
    2. You must “key” your work 
      1. Identify your slides with your name 
    3. You must have an understanding of the religion as a whole!!! 
    4. Your presentation should include: (reference the assignment sheet for details) 
      1. title slide 
      2. intro slide 
      3. content slides 
      4. conclusion slide 
      5. credit slide (who did what job)
      6. bibliography slide 
    5. Consider following the "Rule of 6" 
      1. max 6 bullets/slide 
      2. max 6 words/bullet 
      3. min 20 pt font size for text 
      4. min 36 pt font size for slide titles 
    6. Know who is going to speak and when 
      1. ALL members of the group need to understand the basic facts of the religion 
      2. The use of speaker note cards is acceptable. 
    7. Each group member will need to File>Make a copy of BOTH your Research Notes and the Presentation and upload it to Google Classroom
    8. Audience members will take notes on presentations
      1. Use a table with 5 columns for note taking.  Columns should have the following headings:
        1. Name of Religion
        2. Origins/History
          1. What is the origin of the religion?
          2. Is it related to any other religions? 
          3. Why was it created?
          4. Did the religion fracture or split? Why? 
          5. What are different sects of the religion?
        3. Characteristics
          1. Deal with people’s relationship to an unseen world of spirits
          2. Myths and rituals designed for communication with spirits 
          3. Systems of organized rituals, temples, priests, and scriptures
          4. Statements about the afterlife
          5. Developed a moral code of conduct
          6. Have organized large amounts of followers
        4. Focus/emphasis
          1. Comparison to other religions
        5. Practice


  1. Asia Map Test on May 20
    1. Use Seterra Quiz Website to Study!
That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen!