Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26 -Religion Project Research Workday

Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome back! Mrs. Lucarotti will be with you today as I am with the FBLA students at the State Conference in Sacramento. Today in class is your first full workday on the Religion Research Projects. I am expecting great things out of this project! Also, keep in mind that you are presenting about religions that may be personal for some. Do your absolute best to be faithful and respectful of the material you are presenting on. Let's get some great work done today! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


  • Create a PPT style presentation in groups to describe a world religion to peers, field questions, and communicate complex ideas.


  1. Google Classroom Religion Project -RESEARCH Workday: 
    1. Research, making sure to discuss and communicate with your group-mates along the way The Religions of the World text is your PRIMARY resource
    2. Use the questions under the category as a GUIDE not a definitive list of questions to be answered!!! 
    3. You are trying to provide BIG PICTURE context to explain your assigned religion to the other groups in class. (Be prepared to answer clarifying questions)
    4. Copy and paste the Content Outline below into a Google Doc to guide your research. (You should NOT be working on creating Google Slides at this time.)
      1. Introduction
        1. Simple facts here: Helps the audience understand the context of your presentation!
      2. History
        1. What is the origin of the religion?
        2. Is it related to any other religions? 
        3. Why was it created?
        4. Did the religion fracture or split? Why? 
        5. What are different sects of the religion?
      3. Why is this a religion? Define it through the components by Hopfe and Woodward: 
        1. Deal with people’s relationship to an unseen world of spirits
        2. Myths and rituals designed for communication with spirits 
        3. Systems of organized rituals, temples, priests, and scriptures
        4. Statements about the afterlife
        5. Developed a moral code of conduct
        6. Have organized large amounts of followers
      4. What is the focus or emphasis of this religion?
        1. Comparison to other religions (similarities and differences to at least 2 other religions, not sects)
      5. How is it practiced and what are the benefits/requirements of joining? 
        1. Probably the most important part! What does this religion look like in practice!!! 
        2. NOTE** You are not teaching people how to practice but rather, describe the “rituals designed for communication with spirits” and “Systems of organized rituals, temples, priests, and scriptures” 
        3. Consider this part as a what would you expect to see/observe of those who practice 
        4. NOTE: do not include any specific prayers
        5. If your religion has major splits, put those different practices here! 
    5. ALL members of the group need to understand the basic facts of the religion
    6. *Remeber this assignment is not about teaching people how to be a member or practitioner of a religion, but rather to deepen our knowledge and understanding about the religion as a whole
  2. You must successfully complete a pre-presentation interview during tutorial before you will be allowed to move on to present to the class
  3. Failure to complete this interview will result in a significant grade penalty from the inability to present your project
  4. Resources to use...
    1. Patheos World Religions (Lots of Info here)
    2. BBC Religion
    3. Religion Facts
    4. Religion Sacred Texts
    5. Religion Comparison Resource
    6. Meaning of Common Religious Symbols
    7. Classroom Resource: Religions of the World
      1. Hopfe, Lewis M., and Mark R. Woodward. Religions of the World: Media and Research Update. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2005.


  1. Current Event #14 due Sunday (Asia)
  2. Asia Map Test on May 20
    1. Use Seterra Quiz Website to Study!
That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen! I hope that you were able to get a lot of work done today! Take care and have a great weekend!