Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Oct 31 -Biomes Spreadsheet

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
Happy Halloween and great to see you all today folks! Today in class we will work on our Biome spreadsheets. Let's get down to business! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Successfully create and format a google spreadsheet
  • Collaborate to effectively research an assigned biome to complete a detailed spreadsheet of the world’s biomes
  1. Create Spreadsheet about Biomes
    1. Check out a Chromebook and access two things:
      1. Creating a Spreadsheet Biomes
      2. Your Google Drive --- Create new Google Sheet
    2. Watch the tutorial videos and create a formatted spreadsheet
  2. Biome Lecture
    1. Introduction
      1. key vocabulary
    2. Koeppen’s Climate Classification
      1. Tropical = A
      2. Dry = B
      3. Temperate = C
      4. Cold = D
      5. Polar = E
  3. Group Activity: Jigsaw -It is time to put that spreadsheet to use!
    1. Fill In Spreadsheet
    2. Use the textbook as your first point of contact (CH 2.1 and 2.2)
    3. Use as an additional resource
    4. What to Fill in for each Biome... 
      1. Delete the Temperature column
      2. Location (cardinal & Coordinates)
        1. General latitude zone of this biome (low, mid, or high) with coordinates of the zone 
        2. List 3 or more examples of where you can find this Biome  
      3. Rainfall Statistics
        1. Average Rainfall or Amount during the rainy and dry seasons (whatever you find) 
      4. Description of vegetation & at least 3 examples
        1. List and describe 3 or more plants in the biome with pictures
      5. Description of animals & at least 5 examples
        1. List and describe at least 5 animals in the biome with pictures 
      6. Change the name of the Seasons column to picture
        1. Include a picture of this Biome on a distribution map
    5. Remember that there are 7 biomes on your spreadsheet - Each group is responsible for completing the ENTIRE spreadsheet
    6. Tips for Success
      1. Insert --- Picture (using URL) is better than Copy --- Paste 
      2.  Be descriptive of your information 
      3.  Units of measurement (ex. inches of rainfall, Fahrenheit or Celsius)
      4. Explanation of what you mean (Ex. This Biome has only 2 main seasons, not 4. This can be seen by…) 
      5. Follow the Advanced Spreadsheet tutorial for a better starting point! 
    7. Food Origin Work Time - if time permits
  4. History Today
    1. Prompt: Publishing Your Work
    • Please describe strong publishing/finishing skills with projects. What separates a good project from an excellent project?
    • Visit the Google Classroom assignment for your Food Origins Project.  note at least 2 elements from the Project design Basics for your "Red Pen".
  1. The Biome Spreadsheet is due Friday night, uploaded to Google Classroom.
    1. You need to "add" the file from your drive to the assignment and then turn it in.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Oct. 29 -Favorite Dish and the CE

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome back and Happy Monday! today begins our Biomes study portion of this unit. Connecting the Columbian Exchange and the Biomes of the world, you will examine a favorite food. So, what is your favorite dish to eat -your go-to comfort food?
  • Research and identify the nationality/region your favorite dish originate from.
  1. History Today
    1. Prompt: I'm Hungry
    2. What is your go-to favorite dish? that one comfort food dish you sometimes crave? Why?
  2. Intro Food Origins Activity -Google Classroom
    1. Use Google Slides (landscape 8.5 X 11 ) for this activity
    2. The activity will involve each student selecting a recipe that has at least 6 ingredients. 
    3. The ideal recipe has each item as a stand-alone element of the recipe (meaning, limit items that are the product of several ingredients combined i.e. Mayonnaise). 
    4. Select a recipe (make sure you obtain a picture of the dish you have selected
    5. List each item in the recipe
    6. Select an image of each item in the recipe with no background visible (cut out any background color or image)
    7. Identify the origin(s) location of each ingredient and color-in that country/region on a continent map using the website identified for this project. (crop the world map so it shows the continent)
    8. Write a brief history of the dish, was did this dish originated? 
    9. Plan on putting a small text section where you explain “The History of the ….”
    10. Name the dish in large print on the project itself
  3. Close
    1. Prompt: Ah-ha (not the band)
    2. Were you surprised by the origins of any ingredients in your dish?
  1. Complete the research on your recipe.  Come to class Wednesday with all of the ingredients' origins identified.
That's all for today folks! It is a lot going on but you will have this week to polish this project. Unfortunately, we cannot bring our favorite dishes in to share (although I wish we could because how yummy would that be!) Wednesday we will continue with Biomes and explore their definitions in more detail. See you then!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Oct 26 -Mapping Columbian Exchange

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome and great to see you all! Happy Friday! Also, Happy Homecoming! I hope that you are all ready to go! Today in class we will be mapping the Columbian Exchange. I hope that you are excited for today! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
  • Create informative maps about diseases, products, and people that crossed continents as a result of the Columbian Exchange 
  1. Mapping: Columbian Exchange Google Classroom
    1. Follow all directions in the doc attached to Google Classroom 
      1. Materials Necessary 
      2. Directions and Questions packet (Google Classroom)
      3. 3 Maps 
      4. Colored pencils 
    2. You will complete each of the 3 maps and complete the questions in restated sentences on a Google Doc 
    3. You will need to add/upload the google doc to the Classroom assignment 
    4. Please label the grouping of questions to match the section you are completing (Ex. Part 1 Disease) 
    5. Complete each Part in full before moving on to the next map (both map and questions) 
    6. We will review each part if necessary 
    7. The following Docs are in the Google Classroom assignment for you to complete. 
    8. CE Mapping Directions
    9. CE Maps
  1. Complete the Google Classroom activity on Mapping the Columbian Exchange
  2. Turn in Google Classroom by Sunday evening at 11:59PM
  3. Completed maps are due at the beginning of the class period on Monday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Oct 24 -Columbian Exchange Reading

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today in class we will be finishing the reading on the Columbian Exchange and then we will start a little activity where you will be mapping it! We are rolling right along here, can you believe it is almost November? Crazy right? This is an important topic not only for the rest of our discussions this year but also for your future history courses. Really try your best to get it! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
  • Discover details about the Columbian Exchange by Close Reading and completing a graphic organizer of information about exchanges between the Old World and New World.
  1. History Today
    1. Prompt: Columbian Exchange
    2. What is the Columbian Exchange? Provide 2 or more examples of biological exchange between the two continents
  2. Full Annotations 
    1. Access the Reading and the Graphic organizer available through Google Classroom
    2. Read and annotate the article on the Columbian Exchange. Use the tools available to you (such as the highlighter) to make your annotations meaningful and efficient. Some key vocabulary has been noted for you to define. You will use the reading to complete the graphic organizer found following the article. Make sure you understand the graphic organizer task before you read and annotate,
      1. When you annotate, the following are things you want to consider:
        1. Main Ideas
        2. Questions, connections, and comments
        3. Important facts and details per the context of the task
        4. Vocabulary (underlined words)
    3. You may have learned how to add on and use a highlighter tool that allows you to color code and name highlights and then export the highlighted text to a new doc. If you remember how you are welcome t use this to help you with your notetaking and Graphic Organizer. 
    4. Complete the Graphic Organizer 
      1. Make sure you understand the graphic organizer task before you read and annotate
      2. This gives your reading focus! 
    5. Turn in to Classroom before 11:59 PM tonight. 
  1. Submit the readings to Google Classroom
That's all for the day ladies and gentlemen! I hope that you are all doing well! Take care! Have a great evening!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Oct 22. Mapping Test & Begin Columbian Exchange

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome and great to see you all after a busy weekend. I hope that everyone is ready to go! Today in class we will be taking our mapping test and then starting our look at the Columbian Exchange, one of the most important events in world history. It should be an exciting start to our week! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Demonstrate content knowledge about latitude, longitude, map making, and time zones
  • Analyze a text about the Columbian exchange with the use of annotation and completion of a graphic organizer
  1. Submit Court Cartographer Project
    1. Court Cartographer Project
    2. Court Cartographer Project Rubric
  2. History of Maps and Map Making Test
  3. History Today
  4. Readings: Columbian Exchange
    1. Pre-Reading - Alfred Crosby
    2. Full Annotation
  1. NONE
That's all for the day folks! I hope that you are doing well and having a great time so far. Take care and have an awesome evening!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Oct 19 -CCP Work Day

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today in class you will have time to continue working on your Court Cartographer Project. You will have a lot of class time to work on your Court Cartographer Project so I am expecting your best work! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  • Read and annotate a unique story from a fictional explorer and create a map based on the information provided
  1. History Today
    1. Prompt: Seasons
    2. Describe the cause of the four seasons. Include keywords: earth, sun, axis, orbit.
  2. Court Cartographer Project (CCP) Work Day
    1. Being working on your final copy.
    2. Your final copy is due at the beginning of the period on Monday.
    3. A reminder that your annotated explorer letter is past due to be turned in to Google Classroom
    4. Court Cartographer Project
    5. Court Cartographer Rubric
  3. Close
    1. Prompt: Tweet it
    2. Create a 140 character tweet to a friend about something we studied in our unit on Mapping that you will be studying for our test on Monday.
  1. Complete final copy of CCP map
  2. Study for Latitude/Longitude/Map Making/Time Zones Test on Monday
    1. Study guide posted in Google Classroom
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen! Hope you were able to draft out your map and begin work on the final draft. There is a lot to do but this is a great opportunity to put your stamp on the project with your creativity.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Oct. 17 -History of mapmaking and Court Cartographer Project

      Ladies and Gentlemen,
      Today in class we will be reviewing the history of mapmaking and then Wednesday starting our Court Cartographer Project. I am very excited as the Court Cartographer project is one of my other favorite projects for the year. It is very much a creative endeavor so you will need to put on your Creative Thinking caps! 😉 Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
      • Discuss a history of mapmaking with an emphasis on answering questions related to the content
      • Preview requirements for Court Cartographer Project
      1. History Today
        1. Prompt: History of Map Making
        2. What do you remember about the history of map making? (remember that reading?) 
      2. Discuss/Review: A History of Map Making
        1. Guiding questions:
          1. Why are maps important?
          2. How do you use a map?
        2. Types of Mapes
          1. Physical 
          2. Distribution
          3. Political
        3. Map Basics
          1. Early Mapmaking
          2. Age of Exploration
          3. Cartography Tools
          4. Modern Mapmaking
      3. Map Projections
        1. Robinson
        2. Globular
        3. Mercator
        4. Mollweide
        5. Hammer equal-area
        6. A scene from "The West Wing" where they discuss Peter's Projection
        1. Close:
          1. Prompt: Checking for Understanding
          2. With an elbow partner, review the differences between the types of map projections. If you had to pick one map to use, which would it be and why?
        2. Introduce: Court Cartographer Project 
          1. Court Cartographer Directions
          2. Court Cartographer Rubric
        1. Complete the annotated reading and at least 1 draft of your cartographer's map.
        2. The annotated reading is due to Classroom by 11:59PM on Friday
          That's all for the day folks! Have a great week. Remember next week, Monday is a Blue Monday (2-4-6 periods) See you on Friday!

          Monday, October 15, 2018

          Oct 15 -Review of Mapmaking

          Ladies and Gentlemen,
          Today in class we will be reviewing the history of mapmaking and then Wednesday starting our Court Cartographer Project. I am very excited as the Court Cartographer project is one of my other favorite projects for the year. It is very much a creative endeavor so you will need to put on your Creative Thinking caps! 😉 Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

          • Discuss a history of mapmaking with an emphasis on answering questions related to the content
          1. Review the Time Zone Project
            1. Collect Time Zone Project
          2. History Today
            1. Prompt: History of Map Making
            2. What do you remember about the history of map making? (remember that reading?) 
          3. Discuss/Review: A History of Map Making
            1. Guiding questions:
              1. Why are maps important?
              2. How do you use a map?
            2. Types of Mapes
              1. Physical 
              2. Distribution
              3. Political
            3. Map Basics
              1. Early Mapmaking
              2. Age of Exploration
              3. Cartography Tools
              4. Modern Mapmaking
            4. The remainder of our discussion will be finished on Wednesday
          1. NONE
          That's all for the day folks! See you on Wednesday!

          Friday, October 12, 2018

          Oct 12 -Big History

          Ladies and Gentlemen,
          We have had a busy week and been working really hard.  Today in class we will be watching a video covering cosmology, geology, geography, and human-environment interaction.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

          • Discover 8 thresholds in human history and how they are mapped through time.
          1. Review the Time Zone Project
            1. Collect Time Zone Project
          2. View The Big History of Everything
            1. I was not able to find the video online for free.  but if you are interested, you can:
              1. stream it through Amazon Prime video
              2. stream for a fee through youtube
              3. purchase through iTunes
            2. The Big History Viewing Guide
              1. As you view complete the viewing guide.  Turn in the completed viewing guide on Monday 10/15 for extra credit.
          1. NONE
          That's all for the day folks! I hope that your first week back from a break has gone well. Take care, everyone! Have a great weekend!  See you Monday for a review on the History of Maps.

          Wednesday, October 10, 2018

          Oct. 10 -Graphing Time Zones

          Ladies and gentlemen,
          Today in class you will be creating a time zone wheel to examine how time zones work in the world. These are fairly easy to do, but take a little bit of time. Should be a fairly easy and fun activity! I hope that you are all doing well and adjusting back to school. Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
          Create a graphic representation of all the time zones and identify the appropriate time zone of geographic locations.

          1. History Today
            1. Prompt: Daylight Saving Time
            2. Watch the video to help you respond to the question.
            3. Why did countries initially start observing daylight saving?
          2. Continue Discussion on Time zones from yesterday
            1. Continue taking notes on keywords, main ideas, etc.
            2. Review the concept of Time Zones with this video. You will need a solid understanding in order to complete this project
          3. Close activity From yesterday
            1. Prompt: Why do we care?
            2. Why, in today's fast-paced, internet connected world, would it be important to know and be able to quickly estimate time zone differences around the globe?
            3. Share out with your table group for our red pen
          4. Project: Time Zones
            1. Complete the table of 24 cities from around the world.
            2. Design a pie chart on a piece of computer paper that will represent the 24 time zones
              1. Time Zone Project Directions
              2. Time Zone Project Rubric
          5. Close 
            1. Prompt: Daylight Saving 
            2. The date is April 12. You want to call a good friend who lives at 22* 54' South Latitude and 43* 12' West Longitude so they answer the phone when their clock reads 5:00 PM. 
            3. What time would it be in San Jose, CA when you dial their number? What city are you calling?
          1. Finish Classwork

          That's all for today ladies and gentlemen! Hope that you are all doing well and having a great day! Take care, everyone! Have a great evening!

          Monday, October 8, 2018

          Oct. 8 -Time Zones

          Ladies and Gentlemen,
          Welcome back from the Fall Break! I hope that you all did your homework 😉 over the break, and that means that you rested and relaxed over the week off! We are continuing our examination of maps and the world today by examining the history of time zones. It is a pretty fascinating history so I hope that you find it exciting like I do. Great to see you all today! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
          • Discuss the different time zones in the world and the history of their creation
          1. History Today
            1. Prompt: California locations
            2. Identify the coordinates of the following cities: a) Marksville b) Salinas c) Visalia d) Redding
          2. Discuss: Time Zones
            1. Take notes on the discussion. Keep the notes in your binder to reference and review before a test.
          3. Time Zone Practice
            1. Every 15 degrees = 1 hour 
            2. 0 degrees longitude = 12 a.m. 
            3. What time is it at 30 degrees east? 
            4. What time is it at 90 degrees east? 
            5. What about 120 degrees east? 
            6. 135 degrees east?
          4. Close:
            1. Prompt: Why do we care?
            2. Why, in today's fast-paced, internet connected world, would it be important to know and be able to quickly estimate time zone differences around the globe?
          1. Bring Protractor 

          That's all for today folks! Hope that you enjoyed learning about time zones. Have a great evening and take care!